Ging Resigns...Why?

By Natashia Hajee

If any of you were paying attention to the news this week you will now know that John Ging, the director of United Nations Relief and Works Agency's (UNRWA) operations in Gaza, and Barbara Shenstone, the director of operations in the West Bank, have resigned from their posts. These resignations have a great impact on the Palestinian community, especially those in Gaza.

Ging’s resignation in particular holds a great deal of weight for the Palestinian and Israeli community. When reading the Al Jazeera report it was stated that Ging was considered a ‘Gazan’, one with the Palestinian community. An Ale Jazeera reporter claimed that: “He was admired for never leaving the Gaza Strip, even in its darkest moments of internal strife and during the war." It was also stated that he upset Israel with his criticisms and there was a possibility that he was forced out of his position due to these criticisms.

Arutz Sheva reported the same issue with a different angle. Instead of claiming Ging’s critical view of Israel they commended him on his neutrality, in which he “found himself caught in the dilemma of defending the legitimacy of his employees – many of whom have connections with terrorist entities –and warning those same employees to maintain neutrality while on the job.” There was also mention of him having faced numerous assassination attempts, as well as being criticized by Hamas. These statements directly contrast the Al Jazeera article, especially: “In November, Israel allowed U.N. Security personnel in the region to arm themselves with four German-made submachine guns to fend off terrorists who have repeated tried to murder Ging.” This would mean that he was not seen as an advocate for the Palestinian community and was instead seen as a target.

Although the article is in direct contrast with the Al Jazeera article it still mentions that it was apparently reported that the Palestinians liked him.

The ambiguity as to why Ging resigned still remains as he has yet to comment on his reasons, therefore the speculation from both sides can be detrimental to certain readers perspectives and opinions. One side claims Hamas targeted him and other terrorist cells, whilst the other says he was liked by the Palestinians and was forced out by the opposing side.

Both sides dictate a more positive light on their respective communities, the only way this will be solved is if Ging himself explains his departure. 

Why so silent Mr. Ging? 



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